My Journey in Parenting Programs

Hello and welcome! Firstly, it is important to know that this is about empowering parents and sharing knowledge. Your child is an individual, and you are the person living in the situation. It is key to have a supportive, reflective place to develop strategies. I started the journey of parenting programs 10 years ago when I trained and completed a certificate in NVR (Non-Violent Resistance) facilitation with CAMHS. I was committed to making this parenting program available in schools. Once I achieved this, I developed a bespoke roadmap parenting program tailored to parents' and children's needs. All families and the ways the system develops are different, guiding parents through the transformative journey over 6 weeks. I specialise in fostering stronger, healthier family relationships through innovative and empathetic approaches.

Core Philosophy: NVR Parenting Program

The core of my practice is the NVR parenting program, a revolutionary approach rooted in the principles of identifying one issue at a time, originally developed by Dr. Haim Omer. This program offers a set of techniques; it's a philosophy that empowers parents to overcome certain child behaviors through presence, persistence, and non-escalation.

Understanding Anxieties and Consistency

I also help parents understand their children's anxieties and how this may play out in physical sensations. We identify what impacts consistency.

The 6-Week Program

In my 6-week program, parents learn to apply these principles through practical tools and strategies. Each session is individualised for the support you need. Parents are equipped to navigate challenging behaviors confidently, maintain their own well-being, and foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

My Approach as a Psychotherapist

As a psychotherapist with a background in school, young people, and families, I blend academic knowledge with real-life application. My approach is tailored to meet the unique needs and dynamics of each family, ensuring that every participant gains the most from the NVR philosophy.

Invitation to Join

Join me on this transformative journey with the bespoke parenting program, where we will work together to create positive, lasting change in your family dynamic.

Program Costs

£650 for a 6-week program.

Forms to download

Intake Assessment Counselling Agreement

Get started with a consultation today.

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